Thursday, 11 October 2007

Introduction to the things that are anglo but wishing to remain Roman Catholic...

Hi folks!

My domain is now online! New postings to be made for our resident Catholic Anglo ;o) You might be wondering: "hey, is this guy Anglican or something?" No, that's why I mentioned "Catholic Anglo" not "Anglo-Catholic".

"Catholic Anglo" is my term to denote my preference - I am a professed Roman Catholic, who is a moderate in the world, but of the traditional persuasion (emphasis on the lowercase "t" for tradition), loves translations and readings influenced by our British counterparts. Note that I am an Asian living in South East Asia, in a nation which once had colonial ties - Am a little of an Anglophile myself but trying to stay true to my own Asian roots.

Having said that, I do not close my mind out of things Anglican too, since (due to the unfortunate circumstance in history) it is where the wealth of religious British translated & inspired literature are from; those that are of Catholic leanings of course.

My interest is in the breviary which is like my staple diet whenever I have the time to say it. I'm using the "Everyday Prayer" - the abbreviated form of the British breviary "Daily Prayer" and is also the official British variant from the well known American "Liturgy of the Hours".

In recent years, I have fallen in love with old liturgical practices such as the Tridentine Mass, the Breviarum Romanum and devotions that are basically pre-Vatican II.

In future postings, I'll discuss more on stuff that is related to Latin/Roman use (well, its obvious isn't it?) and how I have come to love something which not many Catholics know about or do not normally use - the Anglican Breviary (AB). Plus since this is my personal site, it'll include my own life ruminations and work as well.

Before I end this post, you might be wondering; "why would a Catholic be using an Anglican Breviary?" In future posts, I'll enlighten my online readers with insights about this amazing breviary, and how lay Catholics should deal with issues that sometimes make us focus on unnecessary scrupulosity or "absolute obedience to authority" to the point where it is not reasonable, considering the fact that we're (as lay Roman Catholics) are not bound under any Holy Rule or canons unless we're already enrolled in one!

Ok. Maybe I'm not making much sense here but when I begin discussing about the AB, you'll know what I mean.

Right - feeling a little sleepy now and have a very important engagement to attend tomorrow morning, so till my next post...

Bye for now!

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