Monday, 22 October 2007

What Else of the Everyday Prayer?

This breviary is a good resource for those who want to balance between the Office and busy work schedule at the office (note that "Office" is prayer with capital "O", "office" all in lowercase is work). Honestly, you can't possibly be praying and at the same time having the worry of something pending in the office, or if you have to bring that darn work home to settle it before you go off to bed and rise early for work again.

Everyday Prayer or "EP" is a nice bland between selected major offices so you won't miss out the Hinge hours and at the same time tend to your work. The English translation as I've mentioned is great to pray with; which makes it easy going and "excites the mind to contemplation".

So what do we have in the EP? Here it is:
1. Morning Prayer (Lauds)
2. Evening Prayer (Vespers)
3. Night Prayer (Compline)
4. 4 week psalter - Prayer During the Day (Midday Hours)
5. 4 week psalter - Office of Readings (minus the actual text readings, just the psalms)
6. Office of the Dead
7. Selection of the Seasonal hymns (Proper of the Seasons, Holy Week)

The complete ones are #1, #2, & #3. #7 - Morning & Evening Prayer only, Night prayer taken from Sunday II prayers. The rest are all selections only.

EP has cleverly combined the 3 Little Hours into 1 single Midday hour known as Prayer During the Day. Similar to how Anglicans did the same thing and called it Noon Prayer in their Book of Common Prayer.

Roughly in dimensions: 5 inches ++ on width, 7 inches ++ length, depth: 2 inches ++. Not very heavy, but suitably light for those to carry around for travel and good for selected Hourly prayer.

There's also sections for the Commons to honour feasts, memorias and optional memorials. Simple for the beginner, and easy to use for the intermediate, I look forward to graduate to the full 3-volume Divine Office when I have the money. One thing about religious books coming from UK - conversion rate is always the killer and from UK to Malaysia would mean RM500 ++ should I go through normal means.

To get it cheaper, I'll have to get from the Catholic bookstore in churches that sell it at a subsidised rate of RM360.00 (courtesy from the Archdiocese). Even that is not hardover, its just the plastic PVC ;o(